Showing posts with label ict process model article aemes aex endesa bpm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ict process model article aemes aex endesa bpm. Show all posts

Friday, 11 February 2011

ICT Process Model article

Hello everybody.

I know, I haven't write a post since summer... but I'm too busy doin'g the ICT Management master's degree at the University of Seville.

I'm writing this post in order to tell you about an article that has been published by AEMES (Asociación Española para la Gobernanza, la Gestión y la Medición de las Tecnologías de la Información - the Information Technology Gobernance, Management and Measurment Association), on its "Processes and metrics magazine" (Sept-Dec 2010 issue).

I'm coauthor of the article with Fran Orgaz, from Endesa Servicios. The article is about the elaboration and implantion of the ICT Process Map for the Applications Management area, in Endesa Servicios. You can get the Sep-Dec 2010 issue of the magazing, containing the article, from here (in spanish).

I recomend you to read the original paper we send to AEC (Asociación Española de la Calidad), winning the first prize on TIC Quality awarded by this association. You can get it from here.

I hope you to enjoy it. And I hope to write new posts soon! Don't forget to leave your impressions or any comment you want.